Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pre-Existing Conditions NOT Covered Under Obama's Health Plan?

Tommy Seno, a twenty year veteran of insurance law, does a search of exactly what the House health bill says about pre-existing conditions and whether they are covered. Turns out it isn't exactly like President Obama is telling (no surprise there).

Read the entire article here.

Here is Mr. Seno's conclusion:

"So who will be writing your insurance policy? According to the President's plan, a new bureaucracy known as the "Health Benefits Advisory Committee." It will be made up of 27 people, and guess how many have to be a treating doctor: One.

So if you believe President Obama's quote to the AMA means that if you sign up for government insurance your pre-existing condition will automatically be covered, - you're wrong, and so is the President. You'd better read the fine print on whether the gang of 26 bureaucrats plus one doctor is going to cover your pre-existing condition or not. President Obama is giving them the power to not cover you."

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