Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012.... Wow!

The New Year Cometh!  2012 Already!
As usual the year arrived with out much fanfare.  Quiet evening at home with family, went to bed before the turn, mostly because of the remnants of a terrible head cold.  But at last, it is here.  2012, oh what will you bring?

Not exactly sure why, but I keep sensing that the Lord is saying, "I will allow your heart to be broken to save your soul.  I will allow your heart to be broken to save your soul."  That is a powerful word.  But that is the word that I have for 2012. 

I do not believe that God punishes us with devastating events in our lives.  I do believe that non believers, or believers that choose not to walk in faith and in a growing relationship with Christ subject themselves to events outside the graces of God.  Consider this.  Psalm 91:1 is what I call, "God's 911".  It goes like this:
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." NAS

The Amplified Bible explains a little better:
"HE WHO [a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]."

 This year I choose to abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  I choose to be a servant, to grow in His grace and to seek His face for purpose and direction.  I hope that I am able to share this message and encourage others to seek the one true God and Christ His Son as their Lord and Savior.  

May God be with each one reading this and may the power of the Holy Spirit reveal truth and dispel the lies of the enemy.  Amen


  1. Happy New Year! I look forward to reading your blog this year. You'll never believe, but Psalms 91 is the scripture my sister, Judy, has asked us to pray over her daily. She truly believes God will use her journey through ovarian cancer to His glory. We're all awaiting the amazing acts of our Lord through this year. Judy is wearing that beautiful "teal" bracelet you created. I'm grateful God placed your family in our lives. Bless you all in 2012. Terri Hollar

  2. Oh mercy Terri! That is amazing! The Lord is doing something very special. I am so happy she likes her bracelet. She is blessed to have you as a sister. Thank you so much for allowing my bracelet to be used in the Lord's ministry! We love you all and hope you are blessed in 2012 as well! Lynn
